22 March, 2011

I Did It List

As I began to reheat my dinner for the third time my mind swept over my house and the list of things I needed to do still before I went to bed.  The kids are down and I am surrounded with the aftermath of a busy day. The list seems a mile long as I look around at the piles of clothes, shoes, dishes and toys. My heart sinks as I realize that I will have to tackle the mess alone, then I had a thought...
What if I chose to look at what I have already accomplished today, not what is yet to be done ?
Today, I have:

  • Dressed three children, each one at least twice
  • Changed 8 diapers, including a blowout (if you don't know what one is, lucky you)
  • Made breakfast, lunch and dinner
  • Made Chicken soup from scratch (Not included in breakfast, lunch or dinner)
  • Delivered soup to my brother and his wife 
  • Baked Banana bread, with the help of a 4 year old (which means I had a handy cap)
  • Took my son to school
  • Picked him up from school
  • Took my son to his first football practice (aka soccer to Americans)
  • Survived 2 hours in the cold with three children by myself
  • Fed my daughter 8 times in the last 12 hours
  • Cleaned the kitchen and the dishes twice
  • Got three wired children to bed
  • Washed someone else's hands seven times..... (This is the abridged version)
Wow, instead of my usual blue state at the end of the day, I am energized knowing that even if I went to bed now, I have had an amazing full day. I have accomplished a lot and am proud of myself. 
So many evening have been spent overwhelmed by my to do list. It seems like a never ending flood of things to do and I spend more time feeling guilty for what I haven't done instead of proud of what I have done. I want that to change. No, I am not going to get rid of my to do list. I am just going to start a new list: my I Did It List. At the end of the day I want to be able to say to myself, it isn't about what did not get done, it is about what did get done. Instead of regret and dread, joy and pride over all that I do, because I am pretty amazing (or so I've been told).

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