18 April, 2011

Time with my Father

The other day I was going to sit down and enjoy a little time of reflecting and alone time, actually,  I really just wanted to blog. I was ready to relish in my moment to my self, but it did not last long. Only a minute or two.
For many obvious reasons, I started reflecting on parent hood. It always amazes me how at the end of the day, no matter how much my kids annoy the snot out of me, I still love them. Their little quirks and personalities are like roots that dig deep into my soul and no matter how strong the wind of rebellion or disobedience is, the roots are firmly grounded and my heart is still tender with love.
So I love them, now what? What are my expectations? Obviously I want them to behave, to grow into kind, patient and responsible individuals. But do I want more? What do I want out of my kids? What do I gain from them? I was struck with what it was that I really wanted. TIME! I wanted time with my kids. Sweet moments of enjoyment. Not moments of perfection, where each one was behaving, but true time with them where they were at. I wanted time that was spent with them being true to themselves, including the quirks and particular attributes that made them uniquely them. I wanted to enjoy them for who they were.
Suddenly my mind went to my Father. I have always had a hard time understanding His love. My earthly father had offered a very clouded and inaccurate view of what love was, and I had transferred that to my true Father. How does He feel about me? What does He want? What are His expectations? And then I realized. He is no different. He wants time with me. He knows exactly where I was at and still wants to be with me. He does not expect me to be perfect, but wants to enjoy the things He created in me that make me uniquely me. He wants to spend time with me and enjoy me. So my evening ended, spending time with my Father.

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