25 April, 2013

The Loved Adulteress

I was asked to give my testimony this week, and after struggling to put into words my love story with my savior, this is what finally came out.

The Loved Adulteress

At the age of three I was marked
For His kingdom- the daughter of the king
In my heart, the Spirit sparked
And I responded to His call with bended knee
Within He placed a heart for song
And the desire to praise my King
Life was hard yet still I clung
To the One who had set me free
But one day the pain went deep
And fear through my heart did seep
And although His praises were on my tongue
In my heart to other’s I sung
I was looking for value and love
In those around – in man
You see I am the adulterous woman
When even though she had loves embrace
Chose to look into another’s face
Yet He stood by, faithful and true
Waiting for me to see His gentle clue
That my value is in Him alone
And no matter where I looked
I was left feeling empty and alone
Despite ever growing fear,
He gently whispered in my ear
“Come my daughter, I am right here”
So I responded again to His call
As deep calls to deep, my spirit lives
And in Him I know there is truth
That He is mine and I am His
The struggles have not left me yet
Still I get confused and my eyes fall
But when I quiet my soul
There is His gentle voice, calling me
Our story is of love so deep and true
That it has withstood the test
Of one who is unfaithful at best
But it is not over by far
Because it is by His grace I am here at all.

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